Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Opinions Needed!

I've been knitting a bit. (No one should be surprised.) Before my yarn came yesterday, I knit up a wee little swatch. I rather like it ... an Irish Lace Edging pattern from Heirloom Knitting. I think it will grow up to be a double-bordered scarf. The question I am wondering about is whether or not I should lengthen the repeats by adding another row of holes around the large hole. I think so ... which means my entry into redesigning lace may be at hand. Oh dearie, oh my.

But that is not the opinion I need. No, I am humbly soliciting mitten opinions. You see below a mitten. Would it look better if the natural (gray) and moss (brown) were switched in the cuff? How about in the mitten body?

Here's a comparison of what the bottom three bands look like, switched. And, as an aside, I am delighted to note that after FOUR tries of rendering a M1, I have finally achieved one that gives the proper results. Who'd've thunk a M1 could be so tricky?


Anonymous said...

I like partial cuff...the cuff on mitten now--that 2nd band of grey competes with the grey block coming out of it...make sense?

I think partial cuff would be more orderly.

Anonymous said...

OOO I see what you mean. What about the white for cast on edge stripe, then before the mitten body. Both grey stripes then surrounding the brown middle one?