An excellent musical, and one perfectly suited to the day. I've learned more about the Declaration of Independence from this musical than I did in my scholastic career. It's pretty accurate, too (although I do believe that Ben Franklin refusing to write politics is a fiction.) And since I can look at "Our Country's Founders" and identify all the men sketched on the front, make-up must have done a good job.
Rosemary, the next two pictures are for you. Our separated-at-birth pups (separated by a few years, if I remember aright) look alike, and are both blanket hogs. Filius wandered into the kitchen one morning to see what was for breakfast. By the time he got his question out, his blanket was occupied. And Terry does not take kindly to having his 'bed' moved. That may have something to do with why he was missing most of his front teeth when we got him (age 6, 2 years ago).
Terry is also a laundry hog. Filii are in charge of sorting the laundry, and then putting their own away. Canis Terribilis does not like having to move so somene else can get his chores done. Warm laundry, fresh from the dryer, is his favorite. Last Friday, we had to go shopping in St. Paul. A short-but-necessary 10 minute medical appointment necessitated the shopping trip. I won't share the book stack with you (but I did get an abridged version of Johnson, and it looks READABLE! Filius got a book of The Best of Dick Tracy, among other things.) I was also hunting for sock yarn, having finished off my contribution to Becca's destashing efforts. We raided The Yarnery, a new-to-us yarn store. It was accessible, and withstood our onslaught fairly well.
Isn't this a lovely picture? You see some previously bought Koigu (the blue and purple) which came along so I could find them appropriate company for that lovely pink/blue tesselated sock in More Sensational Knitted Socks. That's the Louet Gems light tan. Behind that is Regia Bamboo, a most lovely, cushy, squishy yarn. I'm 3" into the second sock for that. (Our town's parade is 3" long ) . The tropical colors and pink Pony pearls are for Filia, who is aboutt 5: into her sock with them. The Meilinweit is destined for the Padded Footlets (which, along with the Bamboo, are, for my mom). The two pewter buttons are a representative of the 7 that will go on my Spinnery Jacket, the sheep is a Lantern Moon tape measure which Filia fell in love with. She talked grandma into getting it for her, so she won't have to borrow mine. Except, it's more a case of 'not having to return mine.' The question is ... will she ever be able to find her own? And lastly, some lovely Rowan Kid Silk Haze in a Pewter-with-a-hint-of-lavender shade. It's on the needles right now ... any guesses as to what it will become?
I buckled down last week after finishing these child's socks, and wove in the ends for 4 pair of socks. Tis done. And now, it's time to go work with some KSH and watch some men in wigs sing their way through the signing of the declaration.
I bet you are making something from Victorian Lace Today with that Kidsilk! It looks pretty and the rest looks fun too!
Any guesses as to which pattern from VLT?
Hi Carolyn, my daughter just walked in and looked at the screen and said, "I don't remember that blanket?" because she thought that YOUR picture of YOUR dog was a picture of MY dog on an unfamiliar blanket. Proof! The dogs are twins! My little spoiled brat just loves laundry fresh from the dryer, too. hey - I spoil my dogs but I DON'T spoil my children, lol. Thanks for the photos!
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