Wednesday, June 29, 2016


The past week or two has been such a blur of staying on top of things that recalling what has been happening would be a serious effort.  The pictures shall speak for themselves.

One of four or five plates found tucked in with Gram's china which was not part of that set.  My aunt tells me these were the everyday plates used when they lived in Illinois. 

 Cherries, from our tree, for cherry pie filling.  Twenty-three cups of pitted cherries.  Yummmmm!

Cucumbers, with trellis

Peas and Beans and Peppers, Oh My!

Herbs, Greens, and Onions.  And finger.

Tomatoes and Basil and Purslane

Beans - Kentucky Wonder and Christmas Lima

Sock #1 (Sock 2 is now further along than this. Yay!)

Thursday, June 16, 2016


June is such a lovely month, full of scope for activity. Last week was full of biking; this week has been not so full of biking. It's been full of other things instead. Tuesday was particularly spectacular. We had a near miss of a tornado (2 miles outside of town counts as a near miss, doesn't it?), a torrential deluge on a morning with a 10% chance of rain, and the grass seed which was placed on the nicely filled and leveled dirt strip in our front yard got mostly washed away. Poor landscapers! Speaking of landscape ... here are some photos.
Perennials with Mulch
The Clematis finally comes into its own


Wednesday wasn't a bad day either. Filius started his summer job at an area grain elevator, and I look forward to hearing about his days.

Today, well, today has a zero percent chance of rain, but the air is heavy and I think I am hearing thunder rumbling. All sorts of things call. Cucumber trellis-making, knitting, reading ... I shall be off and get started.

Wednesday, June 01, 2016

In which there are no photos

Life continues to be full of things to do, places to go, and weeds to pull.  This week has seen the addition of things to knit, which delights my heart.  The weeds in the new grass are growing faster than the grass (of course) and there is not much grass to begin with (which is supposed to be getting fixed), so I am pulling 100 weeds a day at a minimum in order to keep the whole strip from being overrun by pineapple weed, knotgrass, walnut trees, apricot bushes, lambs quarters, and that ilk.  Today's weeding project will also include the garden.  We (I) have been enjoying radishes, kale, and chard from it already.  Filia and Canis also like the asparagus. 

Busy day, short blog.  Until next week!