Once upon a time, late in June, I began a blog post this way. And then I remembered that I had a webinar on the fascinating topic of European Data Privacy Laws to watch while I knit. So I tidied up my computer desktop, setting the post aside for completion after the webinar, reached for my knitting, got logged into the webinar ....
And got a chat message. Did I have time to help out with a project? Of course! So, keeping an ear on the webinar and an eye on the chat window, I learned about the new project.
And then my phone lit up. Could I possibly help out with a few tasks? Of course!
And the blog post quietly faded into the background. I think it lived in a browser window for three or four days before I laughed and closed the window. My days ebb and flow, and I delight in them ... and it's definitely been a flow lately. (Literally AND figuratively. Flows with External Resources, or Quick Actions and Process Builders invoking Flows, anyone?)
A quick recap of the past few weeks:
- The counterpane is progressing. I'm on square 37, and have decided to take a break after square 40 to knit a Print O' The Wave Stole.
- Tomatoes and Cucumbers and Kale and Swiss Chard are delicious, fresh from the garden. I have an oil trap for the earwigs (sardine tin + olive oil. Dump and refill as needed) and they're not decimating things too badly. More like vigintimating.
- I'm learning lots of lovely Salesforcey things.
- I spend much of my day being officially helpful to others. (Yay!)
- Spraying the town for mosquitoes kept things mosquito-free for about 3 days. And I wish I knew what the non-mosquito bites I have are!
- I've been going on a few bike rides here and there. I hope to head out on one this afternoon.
- Cinnamon blondies are delicious.
- Cinnamon blondies are cooking on the stove now. Gotta run!