So trivial.
I have been really enjoying Nancy Marchant's Knitting Brioche, but did the nearly unthinkable yesterday. I sent a half-finished project, minus needles and plus a letter, back to the not-so-LYS. My reason? The Geveldak Scarf is a thing of beauty - but not when there are at least 6 knots in one skein of Kauni which play fast and loose with the color sequence. The gradual shifting from one color to the next is lovely - and totally lost when solid colors are knotted together. I have hopes that I'll get a knotless skein before mid-December, and then I can retackle a Christmas present! But if not -- I will have to figure out something else.
I've knit myself out from under the skeins and balls of yarn acquired in the past few months. There are two projects on the needles, and I am looking forward to a flurry of fun mittens and hats when those are done. We are getting into mitten and hat weather, you know!