Wednesday, December 30, 2015

New Year's Eve Eve

And all is still well!  I have oodles of pictures to share, but they are on my iPad and will just have to wait for later. 

We spent a lovely Christmas at my mom's house, and had a nice trip home with no snow to contend with.  In years past, the treks between car and house were an adventure -- especially with a wheelchair and a non-walking daughter to carry through nearly waist-deep drifts!  Filius did a splending job of Materials Management and we made it home with just one bag left behind. 

Except for the goodies that were supposed to go into my stocking, but which never made it in there.  And that was supposed to come home today, but the Proper Party forgot.  And I forgot to appropriate some of mom's extra tea, too.  It was a productive day of errands, apart from the forgotten bean flour, Saran wrap, stocking bag, and tea.  Gift to give, purchase, forgotten item, and appropriation.  No more than one thing in each category -- not too bad!

The morning after Christmas, we woke up to a significant dusting of snow.  It was lovely.  Monday, we got around 8".  I am not getting my exercise by shoveling walks.  I figure if I do 30 minutes a day, and Filius does 30 minutes a day, we will both be able to move the following day AND the walk will get cleared.  We have a generous front walk to shovel, including two spots that the plows build up nice and high.  Filia's interview Tuesday morning was rescheduled (due to the storm) by the interviewer. 

Yarny-wise, the mittens are done, the submission was evaluated, and I got the pattern for one commission and will go knit on it just as soon as I finish this blog entry.  I'm still waiting for yarn for the other project.  It would be delightful if I got the current project on the needles done JUST before the next bit of yarn comes in, as then I won't have to split my time.  Then again, the one I don't have the yarn for has a due date 25 days before the one I do have the yarn for.  Hmmm. 

Cooking-wise, the next batch of fudge didn't cooperate.  Sigh.  The cheese ball was excellent, and I now have a gorgeous soup tureen to fill with soups.  Yesterday's Quick Corn and Bacon Chowder (you have to be a member now to see it ) was supposed to make 4 servings.  I was dubious, as it called for 2 lbs of corn, 2 lbs of potatoes, 3 1/2 cups of liquid .... and indeed, it filled my 4 quart dutch oven.  I had less than a quart leftover, though, so it wasn't TOO much.  I think 2016 will be the Year of the Soup Tureen.  A soup a week shouldn't be too hard, should it?

Caramels are on the agenda for making, as is nice normal bread, split pea soup for tomorrow, and some cherry cheesecake.  Mmmmm. 

AND ... I got all my Christmas cards out!  Which is not to say that I sent a Christmas card to everyone I wanted to send a card to, but rather to say that I bought two boxes of cards and have sent every last one of them out.  Addressed in red and green ink, with the red ink being courtesy of a sampler ink package I received for Christmas. 

Off to knit I go ...

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